Laura Lomas believes she has always been intuitive. “As a child, you assume everyone is the same,” she said, “but then you learn it’s not the case and you feel odd and push it away.” As she grew older, Lomas decided to embrace her intuition, and eight years ago, she opened Divine Intuitive Healing in Shelburne.

In high school, Lomas began to research things that were “beyond the veil” and not understood by science or the five senses, including the study of Eastern religions. “I started meditating and that was a door opening for me,” she said. Lomas was raised Catholic. Her mother was troubled by her newfound interests and invited the family priest to visit. Lomas recalls that the priest told her religion was manmade and invited her not to be constrained by dogma. She felt that his words gave her guidance to seek her own truth.

“The inner voice in me has never steered me wrong,” she said.

A six-year resident of Hinesburg, Lomas is currently working on a book about her teachings. Stressing that we all have an innate ability to be intuitive, Lomas said her goal is to help others find their way. It was while living in England, particularly in Bath, that she began to find people seeking her out for guidance.

“I didn’t have a plaque on my door,” she said, “but people still came.” Divine Intuitive Healing started formally when Lomas created her website, but it was an outgrowth of the fact that people had already been seeking her out. She doesn’t advertise, but through word of mouth, she has clients from all over the world. “People have always come to me for advice,” she said.

Lomas works with people either in person or by phone. “I look at their energy center,” she said, “and I see where there are blockages and help them heal the blockage. I’m not doing the healing. I’m holding up a mirror so they can do it.”

In addition to these one-time sessions, Lomas does long-term work with clients who are going through what she describes as transformational periods. Those sessions involve energetic therapy followed by meditation. Another service Lomas offers is “smudging” homes by cleansing them with cedar and sage. She is also the founder of Seeds of the New Earth, which she describes as a group of people who come together “to connect to their own energy and the energy of the circle.”

Of late, Lomas has become concerned with the level of divisiveness in the country. After the November election, she started Bonfires for Peace in her back yard every Wednesday from 6:30 to 7:30pm. As many as 15 people have come for these gatherings. Initially, Lomas hoped that the bonfires would consist of her reading a poem, followed by silence, but she has found that people feel the urge to talk. She describes the bonfires as a space for a community of likeminded people.

“I’m letting the participants direct what’s needed,” she said.

“We are all energy,” Lomas said, “and we are all connected. When we recognize that truth it can transform our lives and how we interact with others and the earth.”

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