Memorial Day service draws solemn crowd in Hinesburg

Local Boy Scouts carried the flags for Hinesburg’s Memorial Day service. Photo by Lauren Milideo

A crowd gathered Monday to celebrate Memorial Day at the veterans monuments in the Village. Local Boy Scouts from Troop 690 carried in the flags, and Ellie Baker led those assembled in singing the National Anthem. Prayers were offered by Pastors Jared Hamilton of the United Church of Hinesburg, Ed Hart of Lighthouse Baptist Church, and David Cray of St. Jude the Apostle Church.

The ceremony featured laying of wreaths at the town monuments, which commemorate World War I, World II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and Desert Storm. Bill Schubart of Hinesburg gave a talk about his father, a soldier killed in World War II before Schubart’s birth, and guitar music was provided by Michelle Keller and John Penoyer, while Doug Olufson played Taps on the trumpet. The event concluded with the assembled crowd singing “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” and a series of blessings by the pastors, after which the Boy Scouts marched out, carrying the flags.

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