The people I befriended in Shelburne/Charlotte will always be near and dear to my heart. Plus, they represent half my life. Yup, 60 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Trahan gave birth to an outgoing child in Burlington. I’m hoping this letter to the editor will make it into the many households I didn’t personally say goodbye to and serve as a small community reminder – that we all are connected to so many people.

A month ago, the husband Dan and I settled in Washington State. House sold, thank you Dottie. We’re renting a house and hope to build. However, just getting here has been the goal all along.  If you know me, you get the point.

Indulge me if you would while I throw out a few names to send out a friendly shout out to folks, just the tip of the iceberg, that are left behind in Vermont: Jim and Mary, Diane, Mary, Liz, Al and Nancy, Larry, Lisa, Jackie and of course, the Charlotte Grange and Rotarians.

Rest assured I’ll be back, and in the meantime, think of me when you think of “us community- minded individuals” who do random acts of kindness. And yes, I’ve already done the Green Up thing, which is another Vermont tradition I’m bringing with me!

Keep supporting and reading your local newspapers. It’s a nice extension I believe to the “welcome good neighbor” way of living that shouts Vermont.

Ceal Moran

Former Charlotte resident

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